Category Archives: food

Life’s Like a Box of Chocolates

I’m swimming in chocolate at the moment. I think it’s going to be a good weekend. By “good” of course I mean that I may go into a diabetic coma. 🙂
Last night Stafford came over and brought me some swag from John: two cakes of homemade Central American chocolate to be used to make real hot chocolate. Like Water for Chocolate hot chocolate. Mmmmmmm……….
Homemade Chocolate Cakes
As if that weren’t enough, tonight, I got home from work and had a birthday package from Aaron waiting for me. A book, a stack of seed packets, a variety of engineering swag, and American junk food! Nice-uh!
Russian Nesting Packages

American Junk Food

Potential Plants

Engineering Swag

Kitty Approved

I can’t have plants, because my cat will eat them, but I’m willing to bet that between Joe, Stafford, and Jackie, I can find a loving home for the seeds. Jackie’s having a sleepover in a few weeks, so some seeds might be a nice hostess gift. Probably not as nice as liquor, but whatever.


Tomorrow I have a ConComm meeting for the KOTESOL international conference. Of course, I am not at all prepared and am pretty much ready to go to bed. Decisions, decisions. Sigh. Obviously, blogging was FAR more important than getting my shit together. Procrastinator to the end… Maybe a Hostess pie will give me some sugar power…

Here a Ricetard, There a Ricetard, Everywhere a Ricetard

Mission accomplished!

I’ve actually done some knitting this week. At Stitch n Bitch yesterday, I made this:

I’m attempting grafting for the first time. I’ve failed twice so far, and if the third isn’t the charm, I’ll just do a lame three-needle bind off. It the Tychus pattern from Knitty, which I made in LSU purple and gold for my sister last year. It’s a quick knit– all short rows. I usually don’t knit anything twice, but the recipient chose the pattern.

I’m making this one for Aaron, perhaps my oldest podcast fan. Perhaps my only podcast fan… I think he’s gotten tired of hearing me moan and complain about my date-free existence. At any rate, he’s decided to both help me be less of a social retard and take math out of my axis of evil. The least I could do was make him a hat. And apparently, the most. 🙂